The UNCG Graduate School hosted the 12th  Annual Graduate Research and Creativity Showcase: “Scholarship That Matters.” on Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm in the Elliott University Center at UNCG.

The purpose of the annual Showcase is to present the accomplishments of UNCG’s graduate students to the Greater Greensboro community and to provide a venue for students to communicate their research and creative activities to the public. Graduate students explain and present their work through posters.

This event is designed to showcase graduate research and creative work to a variety of non-specialized audiences. It is not intended to replicate an academic conference in a specific discipline, as students present their work to judges and individuals, not in their field of study.

Showcase is open to any currently enrolled UNCG graduate student engaged in original scholarship with a UNCG faculty member. Submissions are limited to one per student and one student per submission. Following the competition, a winner from each category is selected. With $6,000 to be awarded, it’s a great opportunity for students!

The event is free and open to the public.

Showcase participants must prepare a poster for the *in-person competition. Students must be available for the entire hour they are registered to be judged and discuss their work with attendees at the Showcase. We encourage all students to be available for the duration of the Showcase event to share their research/creative work and its impact. (*pending covid protocols).

Students should plan to present their work in a way that is accessible to diverse audiences and explains in jargon-free language the importance and relevance of their work. Students should make their presentations appropriate for Middle College students, undergraduates, journalists, community members, area business owners, representatives from boards and foundations, state legislators, or neighbors down the street. When creating presentations, students should consider their audience and the best way to communicate their research/creative work and its impact.

Judges circulate throughout the event and evaluate presentations. All participants should plan to present for 7-9 minutes and allow 3-5 minutes for judges to ask questions and discuss their project. Participants will have a maximum of 12 minutes to present and discuss their work with the judges.

Participants are strongly discouraged from “reading” a paper/poster and must engage with the audience, so students must communicate their research to the judges in a verbal presentation.  The poster should function as a representation of the main points or visual cues to the presentation.

Winners for each category will be awarded at 3 pm.

The competition is free and open to the public. Community partners and area employers are encouraged to come and engage with the students.

When registering, students will:

  • Provide their information and program of study.
  • Enter their title (150 characters or less), coauthor(s), and UNCG faculty mentor information. The
    faculty mentor will be contacted to authorize participation in the Showcase.
  • Select the area in which their work should be considered:
    • Arts & Humanities
    • Health Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
    • Physical & Mathematical Sciences
    • Social Sciences, Education, & Business
  • Select the best option (one) that describes what impact their scholarship makes:
    • Advancement
    • Aesthetics
    • Communication
    • Community Engagement
    • Cultural
    • Economic
    • Educational
    • Environmental
    • Health and/or Safety
    • Innovation
    • Judicial
    • Scholarly
    • Social
    • Societal
    • Technological
  • Abstract (200 words or less)
    Provide a nontechnical explanation for the Showcase website that specifically addresses the
    • What question is being answered, or what issue is being addressed?
    • Why does the scholarship matter?
    • Why should people care about it?
    • Where does this work fit into the ongoing conversation on this topic?

Students who know or suspect that they may have some intellectual property that needs assessment for patent or copyright significance must contact their faculty advisor before submitting for Showcase.

In addition, research performed via sponsored agreements may have clauses restricting publication or ownership implication. Students should check with their faculty advisor or the Office of Research and Engagement for information.

Please Note: We will automatically accept the first 75 entries, pending confirmation from their Faculty Mentor. After 75 registrants, students will be placed on a waiting list and notified of their participation status no later than one week after registration closes.

  • Size of the poster is 36″ H (top to bottom) by 48″ W (side to side).
  • We have partnered with the Department of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability as a poster
    printing source.
    • Submit PDF formatted poster to  Jim Nelson by emailing janelson@uncg.edu.
    • PDF must be sized to 36” H x 48” W at submission
    • Printing deadline: Thursday, March 30, NOON.
    • Cost: $10
  • Students may choose to have their poster printed through alternative means, but it will
    probably cost considerably more.

  • Clarity of Communication to a Non-Specialized Audience
    • Students should provide information in a way people outside the field can understand
  • Effective Presentation Skills
  • Content Knowledge and Creativity
  • Organization
  • Originality
  • Ability to explain importance of the work (e.g., economic impact, societal impact, scholarly impact). Students should think about:
  • What question is being answered, or what issue is being addressed?
  • Why does the scholarship matter?
  • Why should people care about it?
  • Where does this work fit into the ongoing conversation on this topic?

Judges circulate throughout the event and evaluate presentations in each of the venues. Students must be available for the entire hour they are registered to present. Following the competition, a winner from each category is selected. With $6,000 to be awarded, it’s a great opportunity for students!

The Graduate School reserves the right to modify categories to promote equity and facilitate judging. Submissions are limited to one per student and one student per submission.

Winners from the competition may also participate in May at the State Legislature’s Graduate Education Day in Raleigh.

*These awards are not given as cash; they will be posted to each student’s account and may impact financial aid. Students are encouraged to check with that office for details. Students with a current balance due will see the award pay that balance first; any funds that remain will be issued as a refund check.

The Digital ACT Studio

Want help designing a presentation? The Digital ACT Studio can assist with the effectiveness of a production and provide feedback on successfully reaching an audience. The Studio consultants are professionally trained to help create stronger, rhetorically, and aesthetically effective projects. By engaging in one-on-one conversations, the focus is on shared knowledge and expertise. Go online to schedule a 30 minute or 1-hour appointment today! For more information, visit: digitalactstudio.uncg.edu or email: digitalactstudio@uncg.edu

The Digital Media Commons

The Digital Media Commons can help students with their technology needs! Visit online for assistance with questions about multimedia technology. Students can also make an appointment with staff if they have questions concerning images that can be used on presentations or if they are new to creating such presentations. For more information, visit: library.uncg.edu/spaces/dmc/ or email: libdmc@uncg.edu

The University Speaking Center

The Center’s support is designed to help speakers further develop their oral communication confidence and competence. Consultants provide peer-to-peer feedback, guidance, and other support in public speaking preparation and delivery, interpersonal communication, and group or team communication. For more information, please visit: speakingcenter.uncg.edu

Schedule of Events
8:00  – 12:00 Room Setup

12:00 – 1:00 Poster Placement (36″ H X 48″ W)
1:00 – 1:05 Brief Opening Remarks
1:05 – 1:50 Poster Presentations – 1st Judging Session
1:50 – 2:00 Break
2:00 – 3:00 Poster Presentations – 2nd Judging Session
3:15 – 3:30 Awards
3:30 – 4:30 Poster Pick Up & Clean Up

Participant Guidelines

Wednesday, Feb. 15Registration for the Showcase will close at noon or sooner. Registration is limited.
Tuesday, March 30Poster printing deadline via low-cost campus. 36″ H (top to bottom) by 48″ W (side to side).

Poster must be submitted to janelson@uncg.edu by NOON.
Tuesday, April 4Showcase Competition, 1:00-3:30 pm
Poster Setup by 1:00 pm.
Remain with poster during the designated hour; each participant presents for 7-9 minutes
allowing 3-5 minutes for a discussion with a panel of judges (12 minutes total time). We
encourage you to be available for the entire Showcase from 1-3:00 pm.
Remove poster by 4:00.
Deliver the posterboard and easel to the check-in desk.
Attend Awards Ceremony following the Showcase event.

Here is the content hub for photos from last year. Fill out this form for any Merlin issues


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