peer writing support group

Do you feel like you’re writing/working alone?! Do you need some camaraderie or just want to know there are others out there writing and working?  Regularly scheduled blocks of time in the company of other motivated graduate students may be just what you need! Whether you’re working on reading journal articles, writing a thesis or a dissertation, or just need regularly scheduled time with other dedicated students, these groups can help you stay motivated.

Led by fellow graduate students who are also focused on their own work, each virtual workgroup commits to coming together for one three-hour block of time per week. Participants check in briefly with one another on their weekly goals, work while staying virtually connected, and then meet at the end of the session to discuss their progress. You are welcome to join a regularly scheduled group or just “drop in” to a group.

These groups will meet through the end of the semester. So, please feel free to join any group at any time; however, most students find it beneficial to pick a regular group to attend. If you have questions or wish to be included, email Laura Drew at

Monday: 10 am – 1 pm
Tuesday: 7 pm – 10 pm

What students have to say about being in the workgroups:

“Workgroups have been a constant source of support and encouragement as I pursue my graduate degree.  Come for the accountability; stay for the camaraderie!”

“I started joining these work groups the first semester of my program, and it helped me set up a regimen for my coursework.”

“Sometimes the hardest part is getting started and showing up for a work session at least gets me in my chair. Step one.”

“The other students were really supportive, and I learned a lot about courses, writing tips, and just surviving at UNCG”

“It’s so easy to set aside time for working and then get distracted; logging into a virtual group kept me focused.”


Get writing in the Graduate School Writing/Working Boot Camps! These camps are typically offered two times during the year: after May Graduation and at the Holiday Break. Students meet in-person or virtually to write together and meet with faculty consultants. Host Faculty Mentors assist in literature reviews, crafting proposals, and outlining dissertations/theses.


The Graduate School reserves space for students to gather together and just write! Look for announcements for Back-to-School Writing Bashes, and Spring Break and Winter Break Bashes. If you have questions or wish to be included, email Laura Drew at


The University Writing Center is ready to work with you on any kind of writing, from a seminar paper to a dissertation. Every writer deserves a good reader, and our graduate consultants are ready to provide encouragement, support, and advice as you make your way through your graduate writing. Our consultants are trained to engage you in conversation about your writing, since it’s partly through conversation about our writing that we become better writers over time.

Here are some specific ways the Writing Center supports you as a graduate student:

  • The Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill provides a wealth of information on writing and style including specific tips for some disciplines.
  • GradHacker is a blog featured on Inside Higher Ed: the free daily news site for people who work in higher education. Breaking news, lively commentary, and thousands of job postings can be found here.
  • The Purdue OWL offers good resources and tips for advanced writers, especially for specific types of writing like conference papers, dissertation abstracts, or book proposals.
  • Wendy Belcher’s book, Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, has gotten great reviews from graduate students.
  • PhinisheD is a discussion and support group for people trying to finish their dissertations or theses, and those who have been there.
  • You may also consider joining the Cornell Graduate School’s Product Writer listserv. This electronic mailing list provides periodic advice and strategies for becoming a more productive writer.
  • The Get a Life, PhD blog by Sociology and American Studies Professor Dr. Golash-Boza, from the University of Kansas, offers strategies for completing writing projects and making writing part of a routine.
  • For Grad Students Blog
    The Fireside Chat For Grad Students Blog contains a lot of helpful information covering all aspects of graduate student life.
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